“MOTORKAR Kropyvnytskyi” LLC is a new official Nissan dealer in the city of Kropyvnytskyi and the region. The auto center was opened on September 20, 2019.
The official Nissan dealer “MOTORKAR Kropyvnytskyi” LLC is currently the second dealer in Ukraine built in accordance with the new European Nissan standards. On the territory of the new official Nissan dealer there is a spacious showroom, a service center, a warehouse of original spare parts and accessories.
The service center of the new dealership has 4 lifts, 5 posts, 1 tilting post, a post with additional equipment, a tire fitting post and a car wash — this allows servicing more than 10 cars per day.
We are guided exclusively by European quality standards and offer the most favorable conditions for the purchase and maintenance of cars.
Specialists of the Nissan car sales department will tell you about special lending conditions (Nissan Finance program), help you choose a Nissan model, and provide comfortable conditions for a test drive. Now you don’t need to register a car in MREV yourself, because we can do it ourselves!
We also provide the opportunity to quickly issue OSAGO and CASCO insurance policies.
You can make any payment at the bank branch located on the territory of the auto center. And you can spend your free time in our comfortable recreation area.
The official dealer “MOTORKAR Kropyvnytskyi” LLC pays special attention to the warranty and post-warranty service of cars. We carry out any type of repair using the latest technologies and computer diagnostics. Car service specialists are real professionals who are ready to perform both mini-repairs and major repairs of cars.
Our most important achievement is the trust and recommendations of regular customers.
You are always welcome in our auto center! We are waiting for you 7 days a week!
Contacts of the dealer
- Kropyvnytskyi, 2 Vinnichenko Ave. (index 25006)
- Salon: (067) 371-94-61,
- Salon: (067) 371-94-61
Sale of cars:
Mon-Sat 9:00-18:00
Sunday off
Mon-Sat 9:00-18:00
Sunday off
SEO text
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