Leadership in the automotive industry is the Ukrainian automotive group AUTOCRAFT – a holding uniting the official dealerships of Renault, Nissan, Skoda, Hyundai and Ford in Dnipro, Cherkassy and Kropyvnytskyi. We strive for perfection in every kilometer of your journey. Our mission is to provide customers with not just a car, but a complete lifestyle, combining modern technologies, passion for design and impeccable service with a smile.
History of the group
The group of companies began its activities in the Kirovohrad region in June 2018 with the opening of the service center of “ATM Kropyvnytskyi” LLC for servicing RENAULT, FORD, NISSAN cars.
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
October 1, 2021
RENAULT, NISSAN, SKODA DC in Cherkasy is attached to the group of companies. (Construction stage of conceptual DC in Cherkasy)
Why cooperate with Us:
Why We:
- WE ARE THE LEADERS of the segment in the regions
- WE are always focused on the needs of our CLIENT
- WE serve with CARE for the brand and the CLIENT
- WE are real FANS of our business
- We have INNOVATIVE and PROACTIVE approaches to client processes
- We have dynamic MARKETING
Management company
Jobs group
By clicking the “Send” button, I confirm my familiarity with the procedure for processing personal data by AUTOCRAFT and give free and informed consent to their processing, to receiving information through communication channels, including for advertising purposes. More details here.
CEO text
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat ex eu tellus blandit, at convallis libero posuere. Suspendisse ut dolor sodales, aliquam ex vel, elementum augue. Duis blandit enim sit amet imperdiet viverra. Fusce laoreet libero et gravida tincidunt. Sed pulvinar varius ante vitae semper.
Lorem ipsum
- Sed ac tellus vel lorem dignissim vestibulum.
- Praesent ligula erat, vehicula sit amet faucibus eget
- Pretium ac magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et
Nullam turpis felis, dignissim ut dolor quis, ornare tempor massa. Donec finibus finibus imperdiet. Nulla ornare augue vel venenatis ultrices. Donec ut cursus risus. Phasellus at consequat elit, nec vulputate neque. Suspendisse auctor tortor enim, eu lobortis arcu finibus et. Ut semper, est aliquam tincidunt feugiat, risus purus porta eros, placerat venenatis dolor mauris in sem. Duis ullamcorper libero erat, a malesuada mauris interdum at. Sed sit amet lacus vitae enim euismod molestie eget eu leo.
Morbi a finibus ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus id dui aliquet, dapibus ipsum sed, semper sem. Donec egestas venenatis rhoncus. Maecenas hendrerit pulvinar neque lacinia bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent pharetra aliquam velit, eget volutpat sapien pretium eget. Duis dui leo, rutrum vel tortor sed, aliquet sagittis sem. Sed malesuada blandit lacus.
- Magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
- Vestibulum mollis, arcu porttitor blandit euismod,
Lorem ipsum
Nullam convallis eget libero et rutrum. Aenean blandit tincidunt ultricies. Nam eu erat lorem. Etiam sit amet tincidunt ligula, vitae accumsan urna. Duis malesuada, dolor nec eleifend imperdiet, libero erat varius elit, ut posuere magna arcu a tellus. Mauris non sapien molestie massa sagittis rhoncus. Morbi ultricies ligula vel placerat imperdiet. In fringilla ornare eleifend.sapien ipsum mattis diam, quis dapibus leo sapien non dui. Maecenas egestas, risus sit amet imperdiet mauris.